Think Time

on Monday, October 18, 2010

When I was in the flight on my way to Kota Kinabalu, I got this thought of "think time" which I heard about few months ago.

I realised that my think time is always "in the air" lols...

I travel to KK every month once or twice, so most of the time i will take out my diary and start looking through my schedules and also do some planning stuff. Most of the time I got very good ideas about my future plans and also get creative ideas about my new training contents.

Think time is the time where I focus on my energy towards my mission, my goals and my achievements for the past few weeks. It also is a time I did some self-reflection about my passion in life...

Even though it is only a 2 hours kind of thinking and review each trip, I think this habit had been great for me when I was alone in my trip. For example, the new program "Transformation Starts from ME" training is actually came through part and parcel along my journy in the plane. Well, it is one of the "hot" program I had so far :)

I remember my mentor told me once that his Saturday morning is the "think time" for him, making him an effective person and brought better decision making for him the following weeks. I think mine just happen coincident, lols. What about you?