The Warrior In Us

on Sunday, October 24, 2010

One of my favourite movie is "Facing the Giants" (2006) whereby the coach train up the team with his passion and determination, in return they did their best in every single battle they went into.

The best part is the "death crawl" where the coach challenges one of the key player to exceed his limitations and use his heart not his physical strengths to go through the tough moments, thats really inspired me. Sometimes i watch this part of the movie over and over again because it gaves me great inspiration and determination to work towards my goals in life.

I just came back from a 4-days warrior training camp. It was fantastic! There is one part of the training which actually gave me the same impact as "death crawl". It was damn fricking exhausted!!! Yet, the coach wants us to go on and on....then I realised that sometimes I thought I had done my very best in life, yet in actual I underestimated my true capabilities and potentials. And the key factors of getting what I want at the highest level of my life, is to live the "purpose" of life bigger than the challenges I faced. Knowing cystal clear my motivation behind whatever I do is so crucial as it will give great energy and power to continue my pursuance during tough times.
The warriors are willing to sacrifice and went all way out to fight in the battle, either succeed or die, because the great purpose behind their action is to protect the children, the spouse, the family members and the nation ! That's no turning back in the "battle". So, Go Go Go!